Full-Face HIFU Therapy

Guinot Treatment

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU therapy is a safe, effective, and non-invasive procedure that makes use of ultrasound energy to rejuvenate facial skin and restore youthful appearance. This non-surgical skin treatment tightens, smooth, and firms the skin and is growing in popularity for anti-aging treatments offering some of the facelift benefits without any surgical procedure. In this process, ultrasound is used to heat the skin's deep level to damage the targeted skin cells and force the body to repair them. To repair the damaged skin cells, the body produces collagen that promotes cell regrowth and provides structure and elasticity to the skin.

HIFU Therapy, as a non-surgical treatment, can effectively get you the tall-order surgical benefits of skin tightening as well face lifting. HIFU is an advanced treatment which works on the deeper layers of your skin to stimulate collagen production, which again yields long-lasting results.

HIFU Therapy Full Face Packages

HIFU Therapy Full Face (1 hour 30 minutes @ CA$1,050.00)


Benefits of HIFU Therapy

HIFU is a non-invasive skin-tightening procedure that makes use of ultrasound energy to stimulate protein like collagen and elastin production which provides skin suppleness and elasticity. This procedure targets the deep layer of the skin without cutting or disrupting the skin surface and diminishes the early signs of wrinkles, ageing, and fine lines. Some major benefits of this therapy include:

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Smoothing the skin
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Diminish the appearance of jowls
  • Enhance jawline
  • Lift eyelids, eyebrows, and cheeks
  • Tighten sagging neck skin

Areas that can be Treated with HIFU Therapy

HIFU therapy full facial is a revolutionary skin-tightening process that lifts and smooths sagging skin without any surgical procedure. Skin that has lost laxity due to the natural ageing process is targeted with concentrating beams of ultrasound to strengthen the underlying tissues in the skin while boosting the body's own natural production of collagen. The areas that can be effectively treated with HIFU therapy include:

  • Area under eyes
  • Cheek area
  • Chin
  • Forehead
  • Jaw-line
  • Neck area

Ideal Candidates for HIFU Therapy

Ideally, HIFU therapy is recommended for individuals having relaxed and less firm skin. One also needs to have moderate skin laxity to be suitable for this treatment. Thus, ideal candidates for HIFU therapy are individuals who are in their 30s or a little older with mild to moderate skin laxity. Individuals facing any of the following concerns are considered ideal for this therapy:

  • Reduction in skin elasticity
  • Fine-lines and wrinkles
  • Folds in skin
  • Ageing sign
  • Sagging and loose skin
  • V-line contouring

HIFU therapy is considered a safe, effective, and non-invasive procedure used to tighten the facial skin and has obvious advantages over surgical facelifts because no incision or anesthesia is required.